Before starting, you will want the following software:
libraries. See here for
instructions on installing - I recommend installing with conda.Here we will compute the band structure of MoS\(_2\). The main steps are:
It is useful to set up different directories corresponding to steps 1, 3, and 4.
$ ls
1-relax/ 2-scf/ 3-bands/
The initial structures for MoS\(_2\) come from the Materials Project (mp-2815).
Files for this section: github link
In order to get accurate phonon modes, it is necessary to first relax
the atomic positions and/or lattice constants. VASP provides several
different methods for relaxation, provided by specifying the ISIF
tag (see here for
Generally, there are two different cases:
IBRION = 2, ISYM = 2
. The choice of ISIF
needs to be specified. To relax atom positions only (lattice
constants fixed), choose ISIF = 2
. For relaxation of the lattice
constants, choose either ISIF = 3
(cell volume can vary) or ISIF
= 4
(cell volume remains fixed).IBRION = 2, ISYM = 0
(i.e., turn off
symmetry). Usually you want ISIF = 3
for this case.After this calculation, you will want to look at the CONTCAR
that is output. Depending on the choice of parameters in the INCAR
file, you may notice that the symmetry of the cell has changed. For
example, see the result of the second option
here. This
file will need to be modified further (see part 2 below) before
use in DFPT calculations.
Files for this section: github link
After performing the relaxation, it is possible that the resulting
atomic positions and lattice constants in CONTCAR
will not be
symmetrized. For example, if using IBRION = 2, ISYM = 0, ISIF = 3
you will almost certainly not have the exact same lattice constants as
you started with.
For band structure calculations, the wrong symmetry can cause the
choice of \(\mathbf{k}\) path to be wrong if using automated scripts
to generate the path for you. For example, the structure in CONTCAR
could be very close to a hexagonal or tetragonal unit cell, but there
could be just enough difference in the lattice constants for the cell
to be classified as triclinic. This will result in the wrong choice of
path for the band structure calculation.
To fix this problem, you may want to edit the CONTCAR
file and
enforce the symmetry you desire. For example, you could see values
like -0.00001248932473
in the x,y, or z components of the lattice
constants. This should most likely be 0, so you can modify and round
to 0.00000000000000
. After doing this for the lattice constants and
atomic positions, it isn’t a terrible idea to run another relaxation,
but this time with fixed lattice constants (ISIF =2
) and possibly
enforcing symmetry this time (ISYM = 2
). This will leave you with a
structure that has the symmetry properties that you most likely want
for phonon calculations.
Files for this section: github link
After relaxing the cell, you can use the final CONTCAR
as input to
the scf calculation (i.e., mv 1-relax/CONTCAR 2-scf/POSCAR
#KPAR = 8
ENCUT = 600
ALGO = Fast
NSW = 0
EDIFF = 1.0e-06
ISYM = 0
SIGMA = 0.05
PREC = Accurate
After running this, you can plot the electronic density of states using output from the DOSCAR
file. The file
in the 2-scf/
directory will do this automatically. The density of states is shown at right.
Files for this section: github link
After performing the scf calculation, we need to choose an appropriate high symmetry path through the
Brillouin zone and create a new KPOINTS
. We then run a non-self-consistent electron calculation using VASP using the CHGCAR
file from the 2-scf/
folder. Before running VASP, do the following:
$ cp 2-scf/CHGCAR 3-bands
The easiest way to find the appropriate high symmetry path is by using the AFLOW website. Go to This website allows you to copy and paste a POSCAR file from VASP and will automatically figure out the appropriate \(\mathbf{k}\)-space path. Paste the POSCAR file to the input window and select ‘Kpath in the reciprocal space for band structure calculations’, then hit the Submit button on the top right of the window. This will generate a file for use in electron band structure calculations. The \(\mathbf{k}\)-path for the hexagonal lattice we are using is shown at right.
The output from AFLOW can now be used to generate band.conf
. Our
path is
The bands are plotted using the
script shown in the 3-bands/
folder. This script uses pymatgen
directly to get the bands from the vasprun.xml
AFLOW citation: S. Curtarolo, W. Setyawan, G. L. W. Hart, M. Jahnatek, R. V. Chepulskii, R. H. Taylor, S. Wang, J. Xue, K. Yang, O. Levy, M. Mehl, H. T. Stokes, D. O. Demchenko, and D. Morgan, AFLOW: an automatic framework for high-throughput materials discovery, Comp. Mat. Sci. 58, 218-226 (2012). [doi=10.1016/j.commatsci.2012.02.005]